SEA Stories '22

Flipping the script on the youth-centric nature of the SEA Exchange, students on the "SEA Stories 22" team conducted interviews with Southeast Asian adults to understand their perspectives on the region. Posing questions such as "what is SEA to you", interviewees drew upon their personal and professional backgrounds ranging from climate advocacy, cargo and logistics, angklung music, and academia to emphasize the region's rich cultural diversity, inclusive warmth, and limitless potential. Several interviewees noted that SEA stands to benefit by forging closer connections between countries to promote the exchange of ideas and know-how. The project offers that the region's diversity, if harnessed properly, could become a force to be reckoned with.
Maharsyalfath Izlubaid Qutub Maulasufa
Paeng Kiliya Valakone
Wong Xing Le
Sabrina (Yiyao) Song
Paeng Kiliya Valakone
Wong Xing Le
Sabrina (Yiyao) Song
Lynn Hong
Eugene Chua
Eugene Chua